The countdown, or otherwise known as the wintering waterfowl census at Lake Ohrid, in the Pogradec Terrestrial Protected Landscape for the year 2020 has ended.
In the Pogradec , the countdown or otherwise known as the wintering waterfowl census in Lake Ohrid region for the year 2020 has ended.
This is the fifth consecutive year that this census is being conducted by the Protected Areas Administration and the volunteers involved in the project.
The counting was done simultaneously in the Macedonian part of the lake.
The results show a smaller number of wintering birds compared to last year, one of the main causes of this situation is the mild winter with no snowfall and frost.
The total number is about 11 000 birds and 26 species. The species with the largest presence are: Bajza (Fulica atra), Coconut Seabird (Chroicocephalus ridibundus), Diptera Rosa (Aythya fuligula), and the Little Caterpillar (Tachybaptus ruficollis).
It is noted that the birds stand very close to the shore of the lake, indicating that the birds feel undisturbed by humans.
The census in our country is part of the International Wetlands International Census organized by Wetlands International and is in its 54th season. As reported by Gani Bego, Specialist in Management of Protected Areas
Ne Peisazhin e Mbrojtur Tokesor-Ujor te Pogradecit , perfundoj numurimi apo sic njihet ndryshe censusi i shpendeve dimerues te ujit ne liqenin e Ohrit per vitin 2020.
Ky eshte viti i peste radhazi qe ky census zhvillohet nga Administrata e Zonave te Mbrojtura si dhe vullnetaret e angazhuar ne kete projekt.
Numurimi u be njekohesisht dhe ne pjesen maqedonase te liqenit.
Nga rezultatet verehet nje numer me i vogel shpendesh dimerues ne krahesim me vitin e kaluar, nje nga faktoret kryesor per kete eshte dimri i bute dhe pa reshje debore dhe ngricash.
Numri total eshte rreth 11 000 shpende dhe 26 lloje. Llojet me prezencen me te madhe jane: Bajza( Fulica atra), Pulebardha kokezeze( Chroicocephalus ridibundus), Rosa laramane me çafke( Aythya fuligula) si dhe Kredharaku i vogel (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
Verehet se shpendet qendrojne shume afer bregut te liqenit, kjo tregon se shpendet ndihen te pashqetesuar nga njeriu.
Censusi ne vendin tone eshte pjese e censusit Nderkombetar teshpendeve ujor qe organizohet nga “Wetlands Internacional “ dhe eshte ne sezonin e 54-te tij. Gani Bego, Specialist Menaxhimi i zonave te mbrojtura
In the Pogradec , the countdown or otherwise known as the wintering waterfowl census in Lake Ohrid region for the year 2020 has ended.
This is the fifth consecutive year that this census is being conducted by the Protected Areas Administration and the volunteers involved in the project.
The counting was done simultaneously in the Macedonian part of the lake.
The results show a smaller number of wintering birds compared to last year, one of the main causes of this situation is the mild winter with no snowfall and frost.
The total number is about 11 000 birds and 26 species. The species with the largest presence are: Bajza (Fulica atra), Coconut Seabird (Chroicocephalus ridibundus), Diptera Rosa (Aythya fuligula), and the Little Caterpillar (Tachybaptus ruficollis).
It is noted that the birds stand very close to the shore of the lake, indicating that the birds feel undisturbed by humans.
The census in our country is part of the International Wetlands International Census organized by Wetlands International and is in its 54th season. As reported by Gani Bego, Specialist in Management of Protected Areas
Ne Peisazhin e Mbrojtur Tokesor-Ujor te Pogradecit , perfundoj numurimi apo sic njihet ndryshe censusi i shpendeve dimerues te ujit ne liqenin e Ohrit per vitin 2020.
Ky eshte viti i peste radhazi qe ky census zhvillohet nga Administrata e Zonave te Mbrojtura si dhe vullnetaret e angazhuar ne kete projekt.
Numurimi u be njekohesisht dhe ne pjesen maqedonase te liqenit.
Nga rezultatet verehet nje numer me i vogel shpendesh dimerues ne krahesim me vitin e kaluar, nje nga faktoret kryesor per kete eshte dimri i bute dhe pa reshje debore dhe ngricash.
Numri total eshte rreth 11 000 shpende dhe 26 lloje. Llojet me prezencen me te madhe jane: Bajza( Fulica atra), Pulebardha kokezeze( Chroicocephalus ridibundus), Rosa laramane me çafke( Aythya fuligula) si dhe Kredharaku i vogel (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
Verehet se shpendet qendrojne shume afer bregut te liqenit, kjo tregon se shpendet ndihen te pashqetesuar nga njeriu.
Censusi ne vendin tone eshte pjese e censusit Nderkombetar teshpendeve ujor qe organizohet nga “Wetlands Internacional “ dhe eshte ne sezonin e 54-te tij. Gani Bego, Specialist Menaxhimi i zonave te mbrojtura